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[filmscanners] Re: VueScan 7.5 beta 8 Available

Even Ed has mentioned that you will not gain much, if anything from
doing so.  The noise levels aren't easily improved upon on the SS4000
and SS4000+, but if you have the chance to try it, let us know if you
get any improvement without loss due to misregistration.

I did try a multipass (x4) and long pass using the Minolta Dual II and
there was some improvement in the shadows in terms of noise, but no real
improvement in terms of dynamic range (more levels of gradients).


Eric wrote:

> Arthur:
>>What do you expect the advantages to be in having long or multi-pass
>>scanning with this scanner?
> I'd hope that I can get more detail out of highlights on negatives with the
> long exposure pass.
> For multipass, maybe it would help reduce noise.
> Eric

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