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[filmscanners] Re: Nikon Coolscan 4000 ED

I'm going to play both detective and devil's advocate here.


Can you tell us what type of problems your are finding you are dealing
with in terms of defects showing up on your film, with the SS4000?
Dust, dirt, finger prints, scratches, fungus???

Have you been able to try the new dust and scratch filter from Polaroid,
and if so, is there something you find about it that makes you
displeased with the abilities or results?   Of course, if you are
running a Mac, then your displeasure right off is probably that the
program doesn't seem to run on a Mac!

I think if a person has particularly damaged films (particularly fungus
damage and to some extent multiple scratches) and they are in a
production environment, dICE can be very useful.  If they are running a
Mac, even heavy dust and dirt can be a problem, since the Polaroid
program doesn't yet run there.

However, I will again state that due to the lighting type, normal
amounts of dust, dirt and light scratches are not a real problem with
the SS4000/+ scanners, and if you have a PC, the new filter/software
makes even more extreme situations easier to deal with.


Tom Scales wrote:

> Don't do it.
> I had an SS4000 and it with an LS-400 (4000ED).  The Polaroid is a better
> scanner.  Better shadow detail.  Crisper -- no depth of field problem.
> The advantage of the Nikon is DIce, which I rarely use, and the bulk film
> loader (optional and expensive) which I just flat love.  Being able to scan
> 36 negs at a time is wonderful.
> If Polaroid had ever been able to build the loader they kept promising, they
> would have taken over the market.
> Tom
> I am sure this has been hashed over and over, but I am new to this
> group.
> I actually already have a Polaroid Sprintscan 4000, but after seeing the
> results
> of the Digital Ice, it convinced me to replace it :-(
> I am looking at a new Coolscan 4000, and have a couple of questions.  If
> you
> want reply off list.
> 1.  I have seen prices all over the map for this one, any suggestions on
> a good deal from a reputable supplier?
> 2.  Comments Positive or Negative about this scanner.
> Thanks,
> Jim Christensen
> http://www.uwphoto.net

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