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     АРХИВ :: Inet-Admins
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Re: [inet-admins] Internic Again

>>>>> "O" == Oleg Basoff <jareth@vtt.net> writes:
O> Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:29:54 +0400
O> To: Inet Admins <inet-admins@info.east.ru>

O> Доброго времени суток.

O> Может  я  все-таки чего-то не понимаю, но вот чего прислали в ответ на
O> запрос. Бред какой-то. Какая им еще авторизация нужна???

O> Пущаю вроде как все как положено...

Действительно. IMO надо им на human contact это послать и спросить,
в чем дело.

O> ---
O> Best regards,
O>  Jareth                            mailto:jareth@vtt.net

O> ===8<==============Original message text===============
>> From domreg@mts2.internic.net  Thu May 27 10:09:12 1999
O> Return-Path: <domreg@mts2.internic.net>
O> Received: from mts2.internic.net (mts2.internic.net [])
O>         by blizard.overta.ru (8.9.1/8.9.0) with ESMTP id KAA01160
O>         for <michael@overta.ru>; Thu, 27 May 1999 10:09:12 +0400 (MSD)
O> Received: (from domreg@localhost)
O>         by mts2.internic.net (8.9.3/8.9.1) id CAA18809;
O>         Thu, 27 May 1999 02:08:33 -0400 (EDT)
O> From: Domain Registration Role Account <domreg@internic.net>
O> Message-Id: <199905270608.CAA18809@mts2.internic.net>
O> Subject: Re: [NIC-990527.eee] VTT.NET
O> Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 02:08:33 -0400 (EDT)
O> Reply-To: hostmaster@internic.net
O> To: michael@overta.ru
O> X-Mailer: fastmail [version 2.4 PL24alpha4]

O> We have received your request to modify a domain name registration record,
O> but we are unable to process it at this time.  All Domain Name
O> Registration Agreement modifications must be submitted from the e-mail
O> address we have on record for the administrative or technical contact for
O> the domain name record being updated. It appears that the request we have
O> received was not submitted from an appropriate e-mail address.

O> <skipped a liitle>

O>    Domain Name: VTT.NET

O>    Administrative Contact:
O>       Michael, Khoteev (KM3284) michael@OVERTA.RU
O>       +7 8452 134149
O>    Technical Contact:
O>       Michael, Khoteev (KM3284) michael@OVERTA.RU
O>       +7 8452 134149
O>    Billing Contact:
O>       Michael, Khoteev (KM3284) michael@OVERTA.RU
O>       +7 8452 134149

O>    Record last updated on 07-Oct-97.
O>    Domain servers in listed order:

O>    NS.VTT.NET         
O>    NS.OVERTA.RU       

O> =========================================================================

>> From michael@overta.ru  Thu May 27 01:49:40 1999
>> Received: from rs.internic.net (bipmx0.lb.internic.net [])
>> by opsmail.internic.net (8.9.3/8.9.1) with SMTP id BAA17456
>> for <hostmaster@internic.net>; Thu, 27 May 1999 01:49:40 -0400 (EDT)
>> From: michael@overta.ru
>> Received: (qmail 24132 invoked from network); 27 May 1999 05:46:29 -0000
>> Received: from diablo.vtt.net (
>> by with SMTP; 27 May 1999 05:46:29 -0000
>> Received: (from root@localhost)
>> by diablo.vtt.net id JAA28951
>> for hostmaster@internic.net; Thu, 27 May 1999 09:54:02 +0400 (MSD)


    Sergey Mukhin			|    violet@rosnet.net
    Network Administrator		|    http://violet.rosnet.net/
    Russian Telecommunications Network	|    SM45-RIPE
*     If you can't learn do it well learn to enjoy doing it badly.     *
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