The 600 and 800 printers were Epson's first which had 1440 dpi x 720 dpi
resolution, and they were actually amazingly good for their time. I've
got to tell you, I still use two 720 x 720 dpi Epsons and the only
complaint I have is the speed of printing. They are a bit more picky
than the newer ones when it comes to paper stock, since they have a much
larger ink drop, and no variability in the drop size (other than by menu
for the full page). Admittedly, the 1440 dpi product does provide finer
dot patterns which can be seen in very fine detail, and close up. The
color gradients are a bit more gentle as well.
The 600 and 800 printers did not have variable ink drops either (within
the same page), and they had larger ink drops than the current crop of
printers. By today's standards the 600 is a slow machine. The 800 was
twice the speed of the 600 since it used twice the number of nozzles,
but the results were almost identical between them.
I do not think someone using the 600 will notice a huge difference in
print quality to the newer printers. The main improvement is in the
lighter areas of a print since the variable dot size does allow for much
finer dot patterns in those areas. The newer four color printers are
faster and will show some improvement, the 6 color printers (for
photographic use) will show another step improvement again.
Whether investing in a new printer is "worth it" is very personal. Rob
is right to suggest you compare sample output and decide for yourself.
Rob Geraghty wrote:
> Colin wrote:
>> Thinks. What is it with red? The scanner (with negs) puts in too
>> much, and the printer tends to too.
> I wouldn't say this was true of my LS30. Reds on my Stylus 700
> sometimes look cherry-red instead of orange-red.
>> The 760 printer is mentioned favourably here at present.
>> Would I notice a big improvement?
> Was the Stylus 600 720x720dpi or 1440x720? On Epson Photo
> paper you'd probably see a lot less banding and dithering.
> See if you can get a sample from a 760, 860 or 1160 (same
> print head).
> Rob
> Rob Geraghty