Bill wrote:
>Yesterday while printing with my Epson Photo EX the printer started
>printing black lines across the print into the margin on the paper. In
>about three years with this printer I have never encountered this problem
The head has ink on it where it shouldn't be. If it's going into the
margins, it's not the actual jets which are causing the problem.
Run a cleaning cycle from the utilities in the printer driver.
The best place for Epson related problems is the Epson inkjet list;
go to and subscribe from there.
Barbara suggested using the "-" setting on the paper thickness lever. I
would *not* advise using the "thin" paper setting for photo thickness paper.
You could damage the printer transport, or at least increase wear on the
head. The lever should be set to "+" for all photo paper thickness papers
(generally those over 100gsm).
Rob Geraghty