At 09:11 AM 2/27/01 +1000, you wrote:
>Bill wrote:
>>Yesterday while printing with my Epson Photo EX the printer started
>>printing black lines across the print into the margin on the paper. In
>>about three years with this printer I have never encountered this problem
>The head has ink on it where it shouldn't be. If it's going into the
>margins, it's not the actual jets which are causing the problem.
>Run a cleaning cycle from the utilities in the printer driver.
>The best place for Epson related problems is the Epson inkjet list;
>go to and subscribe from there.
>Barbara suggested using the "-" setting on the paper thickness lever. I
>would *not* advise using the "thin" paper setting for photo thickness paper.
> You could damage the printer transport, or at least increase wear on the
>head. The lever should be set to "+" for all photo paper thickness papers
>(generally those over 100gsm).
>Rob Geraghty