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Re: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

    Forgive me for not replying to your list. I will in another post.
    Yesterday, I fired up my LS-30 for the first time in several months to
scan a Kodachrome slide. I was blown away by the improvement in VueScan in
handling Kodachromes! I went into Nikonscan just to verify that it wasn't
some sort of friendly gremlin healing my LS-30. No, some old compressed,
unusable scan. Thank you! I can finally go where I wanted to go in PixelLand
with my slides.
     I do have two nits to pick.
    1) I tried using "clean" and while doing an excellent job of cleaning,
it very noticeably degraded the image sharpness. Am I missing something
    2) Is there a way to turn off the flashing of the cropping marquee?
Marching ants or solid lines would be preferable, IMHO.
    Anyone who has a scanner supported by VueScan is nuts scanning without
    Best regards,
    Ken Jaskot
----- Original Message -----
From: <EdHamrick@aol.com>

> I'm thinking about some improvements to the VueScan
> user interface, and I'd like to solicit feedback and suggestions.


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