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Re: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

1)    Ed has previously said that this is an unfortunate but unreformable
byproduct of Clean, Scrub and Scour.

2)    On the Window tab uncheck "Blink crop box"


----- Original Message -----
From: "Software City" <softcity@ezwv.com>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

| Ed,
|     Forgive me for not replying to your list. I will in another post.
|     Yesterday, I fired up my LS-30 for the first time in several months to
| scan a Kodachrome slide. I was blown away by the improvement in VueScan in
| handling Kodachromes! I went into Nikonscan just to verify that it wasn't
| some sort of friendly gremlin healing my LS-30. No, some old compressed,
| unusable scan. Thank you! I can finally go where I wanted to go in
| with my slides.
|      I do have two nits to pick.
|     1) I tried using "clean" and while doing an excellent job of cleaning,
| it very noticeably degraded the image sharpness. Am I missing something
| here?
|     2) Is there a way to turn off the flashing of the cropping marquee?
| Marching ants or solid lines would be preferable, IMHO.
|     Anyone who has a scanner supported by VueScan is nuts scanning without
| it.
|     Best regards,
|     Ken Jaskot
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: <EdHamrick@aol.com>
| > I'm thinking about some improvements to the VueScan
| > user interface, and I'd like to solicit feedback and suggestions.
| >


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