I normally edit my replies but I have received several of the following
messages, no subject, and an expanded header, although all other headers
I receive are in Netscape's "normal" format. Is this something I might
control on my end, ie., shorten?
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Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 09:47:15 -0500
From: Joe Daugirdas <JDaugirdas@bellsouth.net>
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To: "Mail List, Filmscanners" <filmscanners@lists.cix.co.uk>
Subject: filmscanners: Vuescan & Fuji NPH 400
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What are the correct Vuescan "Media" tab settings for Fujicolor
Professional 400 NPH color negative film?
Vuescan: 6.7.5 (test)
Scanner: HP Photosmart C5100A (SCSI)
Fuji Pro 400 NPH: http://www.fujifilm.com/AF3-865E.pdf