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filmscanners: OT & Nikon 4k & ss4k

>         does that mean we should join a news group for flatbed
> scanners, one for film scanners, one for monitors, one for photoshop
> problems and so on. Your 140 mesages per day would soon become 500
> odd.   

Especially when you include parallel versions of all the
discussions like this one, since people never seem to fall
into line the way one would like :-).

As someone once wrote in earlier, golden days of the net,
before it became such a mob scene:

> Overall, this is getting pretty old.  Usenet is full of enough crap as it
> is.  But everyone, without exception (myself included) just keep adding to
> it by following up on threads like this one. 


I was dropped by the list server a month or so ago & was
enjoying the silence - just rejoined to pick up the word
on the new Nikon 4000 dpi scanner.. has anyone tried it yet?
Is there an archive yet? (None mentioned in majordomo msg,
seems to have been last updated in Oct 2000.)

By the way, my ss4k initialization sequence is broken - it
was cycling interminably, so I tried a suggestion from Polaroid
techs quoted on the ss4k list & pushed my slide holder through
it a few times with the power off, and now rather than cycling,
its initialization hangup is to run continuously in eject mode. 

Now that I'm out of warranty, I'm wondering if anyone has popped 
the hood & worked on these boxes themselves, and with what results?

Bill Ross


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