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filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: Was New Nikon performance, now dust

Rafe wrote:
>Fuji Reala is beautiful.  Kodak Royal Gold 100 isn't 
>bad, either.  But Supra (100) is my current favorite.

I was under the impression that there was little if any
difference between the current generation Superia 100
and Reala.  When Fuji announced the extra colour layer,
it seemed to point to the same technology.  Can anyone
confirm this?

I haven't attempted resolution tests with Supra 100 to
have some sort of meaningful comparison, but to my eye
there was little difference in grain between Superia
100 and Supra 100 which made it hard to justify a
premium price for the Kodak film.


Rob Geraghty harper@wordweb.com


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