> When I got my most recent camera (Nikon N80) I
> took it out to test drive all the bells and whistles, including exposure
> flash compensation.
That's why I shoot test rolls on slide film -- no lab prints to
misinterpret. Slide film also has much less exposure latitude, of course, so
it's easier to see if the meter gave the right exposure. When I do use print
film for such things, I make sure to write "NO COMPENSATION/NO FILTRATION"
on the envelope.
-- Todd
P.S.: I bought an N80 when it first came out. I love it! It's like a baby
F100 at 1/3 the price.
Todd Radel - thr@schwag.org
SCHWAG.ORG - Where Freaks and Geeks Come Together
PGP key available at http://www.schwag.org/~thr/pgpkey.txt