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filmscanners: Real Resolution

I apologize in advance if this a dumb question....

We are considering the Microtek ArtixScan 6000XY.  The company's website says 
that the 'optical resolution' is
6,000 x 2,000 dpi.

My question is:  Do I look at the 6000 or the 2000 for the bottom line actual 
optical resolution?  I always
thought that if they said 6000 x 2000, that the 2000 number was the high end of 
the resolution.

I tried calling Microtek (to get an answer), they said I had to call 'Tekgraph" 
(who is handling the product
line for them), who then told me that the representative for my region of the 
country was 'out of the office',
so I had to leave a message for him...And that he would get back to me.  Nobody 
else could answer my questions
about the product...*NOT* an encouraging sign for customer service.

Harvey Ferdschneider
partner, SKID Photography, NYC


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