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Re: filmscanners: Real Resolution

Use the lower of the two resolutions.  If you need resolution in the axis of the
low resolution, the high resolution in another axis won't help.

----- Original Message -----
From: "SKID Photography" <skid@bway.net>
To: "scanner group" <ScanHi-End@yahoogroups.com>; "scanner group UK"
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 00:10
Subject: filmscanners: Real Resolution

> I apologize in advance if this a dumb question....
> We are considering the Microtek ArtixScan 6000XY.  The company's website says
that the 'optical resolution' is
> 6,000 x 2,000 dpi.
> My question is:  Do I look at the 6000 or the 2000 for the bottom line actual
optical resolution?  I always
> thought that if they said 6000 x 2000, that the 2000 number was the high end
of the resolution.
> I tried calling Microtek (to get an answer), they said I had to call
'Tekgraph" (who is handling the product
> line for them), who then told me that the representative for my region of the
country was 'out of the office',
> so I had to leave a message for him...And that he would get back to me.
Nobody else could answer my questions
> about the product...*NOT* an encouraging sign for customer service.
> Harvey Ferdschneider
> partner, SKID Photography, NYC


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