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Re: filmscanners: ReSize, ReSample or ReScan ?

Thank you Art for your deep reply.

Best regards,


Arthur Entlich wrote:
> Common wisdom is that scanning at the highest optical resolution and
> then downsampling via a good program provides better results.
> But, I would suggest the obvious, which is try both.  There are a few
> reasons why I suggest testing (and they are not to be snide).  Different
> scanners deal with lower than optical res scans differently.  Some
> always use software to downsample rather than just select spaced sensors
> on the CCD, some only use actual sensors data with certain resolutions
> (see below for more on this).  Further, the type of image alters the
> result. Line drawings or images with high contrast edges and fine detail
> usually do better to be scanned at native optical resolution and
> downsampled in something like Photoshop.  But even that needs to be
> qualified.  As nice as bicubic downsampling is (and it is for most color
> images), for some images "closest neighbor" creates a more accurate
> result.
> Some images might look better with the scan directly from the scanner
> (especially if you scan at a resolution which is an even divisor of the
> scanner's native (optical) resolution.)  Of course, this depends upon
> the scanner firmware/software but a 4000 dpi optical scanner should be
> able to produce a 500 dpi scan without using any interpolation, simply
> by reading every 8th sensor on the CCD.  Asking for a 450 or 550 dpi
> scan might force the scanner to do an interpolative scan which might not
> be as good as a downsampled scan in photoshop.
> In your case, I honestly believe doing the empirical tests will provide
> you with a much better answer than I can.
> Art
> David wrote:
> >
> > If you want to put a picture in your web with 500 pixels wide,
> > what is better? Scan at full 4000 dpi and resample to adjust
> > your image at this size (letting PS discard pixels) or scan
> > at this size. I suppose the first choice but I am not very
> > secure. ;-(
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Dave
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > Unofficial Olympus web page
> > http://victorian.fortunecity.com/byzantium/656/index.html
> > Unofficial Olympus Gallery
> > http://www.taiga.ca/~gallery/subpages/irissari/irissari.html
> > ------------------------------------------------------------

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