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filmscanners: PS6 and W2K: virtual memory on/off?

When I'm handling large files in PS6 with W2K, I'm watching the scratch disk
size, which shows the current usage against the amount of RAM I have
allocated to PS something like 650/1270, then with a move that takes me up
to the 1270 allocation for the programme the computer baulks for a moment,
starts writing to scratch disk as I've exceeded my RAM I presume, and then
once that is done, it comes back saying: 1290/1030. In other words the
memory allocation to PS has dropped from 1270 to 1030  (to 75% approx from
the 90% I'd given it)
Is this the W2K virtual memory grabbing back RAM? or something else?
if so, would it help things to turn it off (and how do I do that?)
or is it best left to do its thing?
I have 1.5GB RAM, though I'm going up to 2 Gb soon.


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