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Re: filmscanners: New PolaColor Insight Color Slide profile for Sprintscan 4000 & 4 000+

This is another example of why I'm glad I purchased an SS4000.
David Hemingway of Polaroid is the only representative of any
of the scanner vendors that I've seen participate on this
list and support users of the product.
I'm also pleased with the improvements Polaroid have made in
PolaColor Insight. I pretty much use that and Vuescan. I haven't
launched Silverfast in months (and I was silly enough to purchase
it before it was bundled - no way will I pay to upgrade it).

At 04:01 PM 10/3/01 -0400, Hemingway, David J wrote:
>I have put on my ftp site a new pre-release color slide profile for the
>Sprintscan 4000 & 4000 Plus and PolaColor Insight. This new profile greatly
>improves performance in shadow area. It will show up as ColorSlide2 in the
>Insight profile box.
>Please let me know how you like it.


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