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filmscanners: switching of nikonscan colour management


thanks for the advice -
when I switched off Nikons colour management system I got a fantastic colour
preview - (with some sort of grid over it)  it looked like just what I had
been striving for in colour


when I had got the scan a few minutes later, it opened way off in colour
(far far too dark,  nothing at all like the preview

no matter what I do in Photoshop - assign profile, dont assign profile,
assign and convert ... it stays that way - completely out of wack.
what am I doing wrong?

also I don't understand, if cms is off, then what is in sRGB - your photo

(there is no 'preview mode' in ns 3.1 for windows, so it can't be set to
"lo-cont neutral")


> > and what do you have your balck/ white points set to in
> Preferences? at the
> > default 0.5?
> No, I set both of them to 0.0. And, maybe more important, CMS off - I
> found Nikon CMS to act very unpredictably with negatives, so my choice
> is plain sRGB. Before I forget, even more important is to set "preview
> mode" in the "scanner extras" menu from "auto" to "lo-cont neutral"
> which will prevent some weird Nikon automatics from producing blown out
> highlights. Without changing that menu item, you'll probably get blown
> whites inrespective of any other settings you choose!


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