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RE: filmscanners: switching of nikonscan colour management

A useful insight into this process is to assign your *monitor* profile to an
image that has no profile associated with it, when loading it into
Photoshop.  Sounds silly.  Try it.

I believe, with CMS turned off, that Nikon Scan is effectively delivering a
result in a kind of "de-facto" monitor colour space.  I'm not sure if this
is actually simply the "default colour space of your operating system" or if
NS explicitly looks to your operating system's setting for "current monitor
profile", or something else.

But anyway, try it.

If you have built a profile using Adobe Gamma, then make sure that's the one
you are using.  Do you have Adobe Gamma Loader running on startup (Windows
user - dunno what happens on the Mac, for any Mac users interested in
playing with this concept).  If not, then, well, you should!

A clue to this is related to the fact that when you have CMS on, Nikon Scan
allows you to specify the monitor profile for your preview (instead of the
factory default monitor profile).  Naturally, you should set this profile
equal to the one that your system is configured with (the one Adobe Gamma
Loader is using).  This should mean that with CMS on, the preview looks like
the image when it is opened in Photoshop.  Well it does, ahem, almost...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
> [mailto:owner-filmscanners@halftone.co.uk]On Behalf Of PAUL GRAHAM
> Sent: 06 October 2001 17:07
> To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
> Subject: filmscanners: switching of nikonscan colour management
> Ralf,
> thanks for the advice -
> when I switched off Nikons colour management system I got a
> fantastic colour
> preview - (with some sort of grid over it)  it looked like just what I had
> been striving for in colour
> but...
> when I had got the scan a few minutes later, it opened way off in colour
> (far far too dark,  nothing at all like the preview
> no matter what I do in Photoshop - assign profile, dont assign profile,
> assign and convert ... it stays that way - completely out of wack.
> what am I doing wrong?
> also I don't understand, if cms is off, then what is in sRGB - your photo
> editor?
> (there is no 'preview mode' in ns 3.1 for windows, so it can't be set to
> "lo-cont neutral")
> paul
> > > and what do you have your balck/ white points set to in
> > Preferences? at the
> > > default 0.5?
> >
> > No, I set both of them to 0.0. And, maybe more important, CMS off - I
> > found Nikon CMS to act very unpredictably with negatives, so my choice
> > is plain sRGB. Before I forget, even more important is to set "preview
> > mode" in the "scanner extras" menu from "auto" to "lo-cont neutral"
> > which will prevent some weird Nikon automatics from producing blown out
> > highlights. Without changing that menu item, you'll probably get blown
> > whites inrespective of any other settings you choose!
> >


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