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Re: filmscanners: monitor shadows lines


To me, as a past Electronic Engineer, this sounds like analog 
"ringing"; most likely caused by a poor video cable, or a poor video 
cable connection, or a failing component in the video card (seems 
unlikely) or a failing monitor (most likely).

Try unplugging and reattaching both ends of your video cable to make 
sure the contacts are clean and well seated.  If that doesn't fix it 
then see if it gets worse over a period of time (months?).  If it 
gradually gets worse then start planning to buy a new monitor.


At 12:17 PM -0800 28-10-01, Paul Graham wrote:
>Hi all,
>when I look at my monitor (Sony F520 21") with say Photoshop opened at full
>screen, but no image, just a grey background, any vertical black line has
>ghostly repeats of that line echoing away to the right side, they get less,
>but perhaps have four or five diminishing echoes.
>I've tried all the controls, but not diminished it at all.
>It doesn't happen with horizontal lines, or off to the left side of
>verticals, just the right.
>any ideas?
>or is just a faulty monitor?


Bill Fernandez  *  User Interface Architect  *  Bill Fernandez Design

(505) 346-3080  *  bill_sub@billfernandez.com  *  http://billfernandez.com


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