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Re: filmscanners: Color Negative Film Poll

"Herb Bauer" <herb.bauer@attglobal.net> wrote:

> recommendations for the "best" out-of-the-box color negative film to use
> with a Polaroid SprintScan 4000 and PolaColor SprintScan or Vuescan.

Hi, Herb,

I've tried Konica Superia 400, Fuji Superia 400. Fuji Superia 100, Agfa
Optima 400, Agfa HDC 400 and Kodak Gold 400, For me, the Fujis, especially the
Superia 100, beat out all of the others. It is very fine grained, it has *huge*
100° and it is easily available everywhere. But beware, it scans with *very*
saturated colors which means you have to get uset to scanning it. If you're
into it´, you'll find the colors easier to tweak than any other negative
film, especially the Kodaks and Agfas which tend to have extremely mean color
deviations every now and then.

Greetings from Germany -


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