On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:59:23 +0200 Anthony Atkielski
(anthony@atkielski.com) wrote:
> they've asked me if I could take charge of
> digitizing their photo archive (about 400.000 units, between 35 mm
> and 6x6 color negatives, 35 mm slides, and some prints)
> I'm most concerned with the negatives and slides (they're like 80% of the
> job)
If that really says 'fourhundred thousand' images to be scanned, be aware
that is about 90 man/years work, using any 'prosumer' filmscanner. And
quote accordingly ;) Seriously, a single film scan takes 15-30mins, done
manually with appropriate corrections.
> 1 - What scanner would scan 35 mm *and* 6x6 negatives? I don't know
> if it's called the same abroad, but we call
> 6x6 (centimeters) the size of pictures a Hasselblad or a Rollei
> takes.
Models from Minolta, Nikon and Polaroid.
> 2 - I've heard of some scanners that convert negatives to positives
> at scanning time. Is that so? Is it convenient?
Yes, it works well, but requires a fair degree of operator taste and skill.
> 3 - What would be the best resolution for scanning negatives, and how
> much MB would each negative be?
Wholly dependent on their intended use, unfortunately. Ask them what is the
maximum printed size they want to achieve, multiply that by 300dpi,
multiply that by 3 channels (RGB), for a rough estimation of uncompressed
bytes. EG if 7x5" print is desired, you'll need 2100 x 1500pixels =
3,150,000. x3 = ~9.5Mb uncompressed.
Tony Sleep
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