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[filmscanners] Re: Macintosh Image Archiving/Indexing Software

Hi Brad,
I'm using iView. On the speed test you conducted on iView if you didn't have
"ignore built in thumbnails" ticked (Edit>Import Options>On Import>Ignore
built in thumbnails - ticked) iView will indeed use thumbnails existing in
the files you are importing, rather than build its own (which are far
superior). But this takes more time.
Regards, David
You can view David's on-line folio at http://www.davidtownend.com/
and also the results of a recent job at http://www.globalrisks.royalsun.com

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> From: "Brad Smith" <bms0345@pacbell.net>
> Reply-To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 15:49:55 -0700
> To: d.townend@ntlworld.com
> Subject: [filmscanners] Re: Macintosh Image Archiving/Indexing Software
> I'm GUESSING that the 4 and 6 second results for adding the 10 large images
> somehow grabbed existing thumbnails while the approx 40 second ones "built"
> their own.  So I don't know that the test is meaningful.  Opinions??

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