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[filmscanners] Re: OT - Interesting story on privacy...orlackthereof!

Clive Moss wrote:
> Old saws still cut.

Some do, some don't.

I read (or should I say scanned, to keep on topic)
> Orwell many, many years ago. Note that 1984 was 20 years ago.

Yes, he never fully anticipated the degree technology would help make
that totalitarian society possible so easily, but he also didn't realize
it would take an additional 20 years to get there due to PITAs like
myself who spend a lot of time fighting these issues.  I am currently
involved in a complaint with our provincial gov't over medical and
financial privacy issues which are being brought forward by our
provincial privacy commissioner.

> Anyway -- I did not mean to turn this into long debate with no useful
> outcome, so I will stop whining about the whining.
> --

The value of open debate is the consideration of the other side as well
as to challenge whether we can continue to defend our own viewpoints.


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