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[filmscanners] Re: Re:Nikon Coolscan LS-2000: focus issues & viewscan

They are slides, mostly E-6. The problem solved itself but I cannot say  


On Saturday, September 20, 2003, at 08:21 PM, Rob Geraghty wrote:

> Ellis Vener <ellis@ellisvener.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to help some friends out. Is it possible to
>> physically adject the focus mechanism on an
>> Coolscan 2000? they were given one but the focus
>> is way off.
> Is the focus accurate using Nikonscan?  Are the images silver based B&W
> film?  If you try to use the IR scratch removal feature on silver  
> based B&W
> film you may end up with a result that looks horribly out of focus.   
> The IR
> feature cannot be used with silver based film, and may be problematic  
> with
> Kodachrome.  It should work fine with Ektachrome transparencies or dye  
> based
> neg films.
> If the focus is also faulty with Nikonscan, there's likely to be a  
> fault
> with the hardware.
> Another possibility is that you are expecting sharpness from the  
> scanner
> which it's not capable of delivering.  But it's hard to know without  
> seeing
> what you're talking about.
> Rob
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Take care,

Ellis Vener
Atlanta, GA

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