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[filmscanners] Re: scanning TMAX 3200

  • To: lexa@lexa.ru
  • Subject: [filmscanners] Re: scanning TMAX 3200
  • From: "don schaefer" <send2ds@mac.com>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:42:42 -0400
  • In-reply-to: <200310112319.h9BNJM4H008848@mac.com>
  • Unsubscribe: mailto:listserver@halftone.co.uk

> I've had very poor results scanning TMax 400 and Ilford Delta 400 with
> my SS4000. Terrible grain so NeatImage was a must.

You have to scan at the highest resolution of the scanner, anything
else, you get the clumping grain.

<I've had good results scanning T400 CN with a Minolta Scan Dual II.
send a jpeg to anyone who wants to see it.>

Color negative film doesn't have the dreaded silver grains. They all
get washed out during processing, leaving only a  "dye cloud" of color.

< Lastly, the Nikons have shallow depth of field, so sharpness may be
somewhat compromised unless you have very flat negs or prefer to use a
glass carrier.>

Yes, Art, always a concern with large negs. I can't speak for the
larger format, but the 35mm scans I get with the LS2000 are very good.
I shoot with a Contax camera that has a vacuum back, so maybe that
extra edge sharpness I get helps offset the edge degradation during the
scanning. Of course, it's getting so that if one is that concerned
about sharpness, you pay for an Imacon scan or use a digi cam, which
are becoming quite affordable. (But not enough for me, yet.)

The BW CN films, why use them? If you want BW images, shoot with color
neg. That way you can use channel blending in Photoshop to get the BW
values just the way you want them.

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