Блин, совсем обиндусились... :((
1. The FastEthernet input queue has been intentionally set to 4096 by
Development to buffer up to 10 packets per (outgoing) modem.
2. As to the actual input queue value : when we are now CEF/fast-switching
with outbound Async interface, then the packet is accounted under the
input queue of the ingress, i.c. FastEthernet, until the packet has been
transmitted out of the Async. This is also why they increased the max
input queue size.
For the rest, the route-cache is not populated because CEF does all the job.
The packets shown in the input-queue are not necessarily process-switched, as
per item number 2.
А еще эта железка позиционируется как DialUP & VoIP mix ready.
куда катимся... :((
Good luck !
Andrey Zimin | AVZ7-RIPE
Moscow, Russia
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