Чтобы не было проблем с неправильным цитированием, исходное письмо
Во-первых, модели AT-8124(GB) у ATI нет: есть либо AT-8124XL, давно
снятая с производства, либо AT-8024GB. Последняя имеет софт версии
S39, поэтому, будем считать, что речь идёт о ней.
Во-вторых, читаем документ "AT-S39 User Guide"
стр. 221:
In versions previous to AT-S39 Version 2.0.1, the management
software and bootloader were offered as separate files. In all later
versions, the files are combined into one image file.
Значит, ищем софт версии 2.0:
читаем файл "AT-S39V2.0.pdf" стр.2:
Upgrading from AT-S39 Version 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 to AT-S39 Version 2.0
This section contains the procedure for upgrading a switch running
Version 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 to
Version 2.0 from a local management session.
The switch must be running either AT-S39 Version 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 before
you can upgrade it
to Version 2.0. If the switch is running an earlier version, you must
first upgrade it to Version
1.4.1 or 1.4.2 by obtaining the management software and following the
instructions in the
appropriate AT-S39 Software Release Notes.
Смотрим теперь в архиве
ftp://ftp.alliedtelesyn.co.uk/pub/switches/8000/s39v142.zip файл
"atS39v1.4.2.pdf" стр.2:
Upgrading from AT-S39 Version 1.3 or later to Version 1.4.2
The procedures in this section upgrade a switch running Version 1.3,
1.3.1, 1.4, or 1.4.1 to
Version 1.4.2 from a local management session. These instructions can
also be found in
Chapter 16 in the AT-S39 Version 1.4 User's Guide. (You can also load
the new software
using TFTP, as explained in the User's Guide.) The current switch
configuration information,
such as IP address and VLANs, is retained when new management software
is installed.
You do not need to upgrade an AT-8000 Series switch if it came with
these software release
notes in the shipping box. The switch already contains the latest
AT-S39 management
software and bootloader.
The upgrade consists of the following two procedures:
Procedure #1: Loading the New AT-S39 Version 1.4.2 Software Image
Procedure #2: Loading Bootloader Version 2.0 (Optional)
You must load the AT-S39 Version 1.4.2 or later management software
BEFORE loading the
new bootloader. Loading the bootloader first can result in a switch
failure that will require
returning the unit to Allied Telesyn. (Loading the new bootloader is
optional. The AT-S39
Version 1.4.2 management software will function properly with older
versions of the
1. Итак, сначала нам нужно загрузить софт S39 версии 1.4.2.
2. Затем грузим S39 версии 2.0.
3. Смотрим, обновился ли boot loader. Если он теперь версии 2.0 (а не
1.0 или 1.3) смело грузим софт хоть 3.3.0
Что ещё непонятно?
С уважением, Михаил Киселёв <kiselev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Тел.: (8312) 36-45-06, 16-4755
Факс: (8312) 38-90-20, 19-98-46
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