Jim wrote:
> <clip> there have been days in the past few weeks
where the peripheral subjects donated over 140 messages a day to my in box,
and few if any dealt directly with scanning. Ed left at about that time, and
may have felt the same frustration at the volume of off-topic messages as I
did. It is not so much that off topic messages exist, as the volume of off
topic messages received in one day that frustrated me.
I think it probabably frustrated ALL of us, Jim, but we all contributed to
the "log jam," and Ed along with us. I did more "mail clearing" than I did
scanning for several days.
It's unfortunately clear that some types lose their sense of perspective a
little too easily (if they ever had one). Those same "people" are clogging
my mailbox this afternoon, in fact.
Oh, well. I still like this list, and learn a lot from its diversity. I
seriously doubt that I'm the only one.
Best regards--LRA
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