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Re: Getting around the firewire problem was Re: filmscanners: Best film scanner, period!!!

Rob writes:

> Where did you get that idea?  Worst case scenario
> you could use direct cable networking with a laplink
> cable for about $20.

I currently have a continuous external Internet connection on the NIC.

> RAM is about US$40 for 256MB in Australia so I
> can't imagine it would be so expensive in France.

The machine I have requires special 128 MB DIMM modules or something.  Last time
I bought a pair, it cost me around $500, although that was a couple of years
ago.  I'd have to buy two pairs to bring the machine up to the maximum
configurable RAM of 512 MB.

> Why do you need Photoshop and a top quality monitor?

Because I have to adjust the scans after making them, and I need Photoshop to do
that, plus a good monitor to be able to see the results.

> AFAIK Vuescan supports the LS4000 so you could
> dump raw scans from it and port them across to
> the NT box.

After I've invested in networking hardware.

> Or you could buy a Polaroid SS4000 which uses
> SCSI and you wouldn't have a problem - just no ICE...

I understand the dynamic range is quite limited, though.


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