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Re: Getting around the firewire problem was Re: filmscanners: Best film scanner, period!!!

Although I very much empathize and support your concerns about planned
obsolescence in computer equipment, no matter how well it fuels
capitalism and environmental havoc, I have to say that your demands
aren't completely reasonable, and you seem to really be fighting with
yourself in your refusal to make certain changes which ultimately would
save money.

If I bought a car which required a fuel that was no longer manufactured
in my country, and the only way I could drive the beast was to import
the fuel from someplace else at tremendous cost, hassle and maybe even
risk, I'd cash in my chips on that vehicle and accept the inevitable,
that the car had been a bad purchase within the realm of the
marketplace.  Many Beta VCR supporters have had to face this reality,
perhaps with some frustration, since Beta was likely better in quality.

If my reel to reel player failed and the parts were no longer made, and
my only choice was buying a Revox at thousands of dollars, I might just
decide it was time to buy a CD player, or whatever.

Regarding your implication that the Nikon 4000 was considerably superior
to the Polaroid SS 4000; that doesn't seem to hold up in the reviews
I've read, but Polaroid's current financial state might be cause for
concern if you worry about obsolescence.

If you very simply are saying that "I absolutely refuse to upgrade"
then, indeed you are probably stuck with limitations as to your purchase
options, but then, if that's the case, the weak link might not be the


Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> Rob writes:
> > Where did you get that idea?  Worst case scenario
> > you could use direct cable networking with a laplink
> > cable for about $20.
> I currently have a continuous external Internet connection on the NIC.
> > RAM is about US$40 for 256MB in Australia so I
> > can't imagine it would be so expensive in France.
> The machine I have requires special 128 MB DIMM modules or something.  Last 
> I bought a pair, it cost me around $500, although that was a couple of years
> ago.  I'd have to buy two pairs to bring the machine up to the maximum
> configurable RAM of 512 MB.
> > Why do you need Photoshop and a top quality monitor?
> Because I have to adjust the scans after making them, and I need Photoshop to 
> that, plus a good monitor to be able to see the results.
> > AFAIK Vuescan supports the LS4000 so you could
> > dump raw scans from it and port them across to
> > the NT box.
> After I've invested in networking hardware.
> > Or you could buy a Polaroid SS4000 which uses
> > SCSI and you wouldn't have a problem - just no ICE...
> I understand the dynamic range is quite limited, though.


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