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Re: Getting around the firewire problem was Re: filmscanners: Best film scanner, period!!!

> The ones you deal with are not using systems in a production environment.
> Nobody who depends on a computer for survival can afford to idle it for
weeks at
> a time, any more than he can afford to run his business without

I'm quite amused at your assertions at who my customers are. Most of them
are indeed in a production environment, most of them upgrade often and run
current technology. I personally don't know of anyone, other than you, that
takes two months to upgrade their system. And I can pretty much guarantee
that my "mission critical" or "professional users" don't take weeks, or as
in your case two months, to upgrade their systems. If it's a major system
upgrade, you can count on a day of downtime. In most cases though, whether
it's servers or workstations, a parallel system is first built, tested, then
switched over. Downtime is minutes, not months.

If you want to learn more about Microsoft's announcement to discontinue NT
support, or what Intel's profit margins really are, you can do a search and
discover the real facts for yourself, but I have a feeling all you want to
do is argue technology. This thread is way off topic now, so I'm bowing out.


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